Cytus 维基

詳情可看Cytus -Alive- 和 背景故事 。

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第A章 - Alive
Cytus Alive
LA-1 A-01 Alive: Operators Cranky 101 1 4 6.0
LA-2 A-02 Alive: Disaster Sta 134 2 6 6.0
LA-3 A-03 Alive: Cytus Sta 120 4 8 6.0
LA-4 A-04 Alive: The Silence Sta 162 3 7 6.0
LA-5 A-05 Alive: Vanessa VILA 111 5 9 6.0
LA-6 A-06 Alive: The Lost Sta 140 4 7 6.0
LA-7 A-07 Alive: Loom Sta 148 2 7 6.0
LA-8 A-08 Alive: Another Me Sta 118 3 6 6.0
LA-9- A-09 Alive: Buried Sta 129 4 8 6.0
LA-10- A-10 Alive: The New World Cranky 75 1 1 6.0