Cytus 维基
標誌 章節序號 標題 音樂家 BPM Easy難度 Hard難度 加入版本
第二章 - Disaster
LA-2 A-02 Alive: Disaster Sta 134 2 6 6.0
L2-1 Ⅱ-01 Iris Sta 195 3 7 1.2
L2-2 Ⅱ-02 Sanctity Rabpit 143 5 7 1.0
L2-3 Ⅱ-03 Sacred Rabpit 150 5 7 1.0
L2-4 Ⅱ-04 Green Eyes Persona 162 4 8 1.0
L2-5 Ⅱ-05 Nocturnal Type switchworks 160 2 7 1.0
L2-6 Ⅱ-06 Precipitation ICE 167 7 8 1.0
L2-6 Ⅱ-06 Precipitation Ver.B ICE 167 7 9 1.1
L2-7 Ⅱ-07 Hard Landing yamajet 140 2 8 1.1
L2-8 Ⅱ-08 Entrance ICE 180 6 9 1.0
L2-8 Ⅱ-08 Precipitation at the Entrance I ICE 180 6 9 2.1
L2-8 Ⅱ-08 Precipitation at the Entrance II ICE 180 7 9 2.1

What Happened...?[ | ]

A mutated virus that is deadly contagious starting to spread out the universe sweepingly while there is absolutely no antidote to the disease, thousands of years of civilizations are on the line thereof. Cruelty shown forth, under the paling moonlight, calamity of destruction brought upon.

故事情节[ | ]

一种致命的具有传染性的变异病毒,开始席卷全球,而绝对没有解毒剂,数千年的文明正在酝酿之中。 在苍白的月光下显示出残酷,带来了毁灭性的灾难。
