Cytus Wiki

So yeah it's my birthday today, but it's probably past April 13th for most of you guys by now.

Anyways that's not what I really wanted to talk about in this though. I've been in this wiki for a pretty long time now (I think about a year and a half), but I've never really talked about my opinions on anything, nor have I really told anyone about myself, really. So I've taken this oppurunity to do this Q&A blog with you guys so you can ask me things that you're interested in knowing.

To be honest, I really don't mind what questions you ask me. They can range from opinions on different songs and charts, to interests, and to really anything else. If you want to copy pasta, I'm fine with that too. You can ask me semi-personal questions too, but of course I reseve the right to not answer questions. 

So go ahead and ask away. Have fun. I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
