I was thinking that I could re-list the difficulty level for Level 9 songs during November-December. Meanwhile, all ACHCs will be published by tomorrow (School's off!) and preparing for the blast on CWC 2014 (The Random Name Picker, that is).
I'm going to list them in stars, ranging from 7-15* in terms of difficulty for Level 9 songs range only.
7* Songs[]
- Do Not Wake
- L (Easy) (+)
- Zauberkugel (++)
8* Songs[]
- Recollections (++)
- Q (+)
9* Songs[]
- Blue Eyes
- PatE A
- Biotonic (++)
- L2A (Easy)
- L2B (Easy) (+)
- Colorful Skies
- Area184
- Laplace
- Ververg II
10* Songs[]
- Parousia
- The Blocks We Loved
- Entrance
- Black Lair (++)
- Oriens (+)
- PatE B
- Violet
11* Songs[]
- Megaera
- Bloody Purity
- Masquerade (+)
- Requiem
- The Red Coronation
- Gatorix (++)
- Revoluxionist
12* Songs[]
- Alive: Vanessa (++)
- Halcyon
- Slit O
- Slit I (+)
- L (Hard)
13* Songs[]
- Halloween Party (+)
- AXION (++)
14* Songs[]
- L2A (Hard) (+)
- The Purified
- CN0 (++)
15* Songs[]
- Freedom Dive (+)
- L2B (Hard) (++)
This is pretty much my evaluation for songs. Those with (++) are hardest in their levels, while (+) ones are 2nd hardest.
Remember that this is just my opinion lol.
Poly CNW, Polygon of Cookies and Waffles (talk) 08:37, November 3, 2014 (UTC)