Cytus Wiki

Note Statistics[]

Difficulty Tap Notes Drag Notes Hold Notes Flick Notes Special Hold Notes Tap+Drag Notes
EASY 162 (45.63%) 168 (47.32%) 16 (4.51%) 0 9 (2.54%) 0
HARD 398 (54.15%) 321 (43.67%) 3 (0.41%) 0 13 (1.77%) 0
CHAOS 747 (75.08%) 163 (16.38%) 4 (0.40%) 61 (6.13%) 4 (0.40%) 16 (1.61%)
GLITCH - - - - - -



  • R.I.P. first appeared in the Be-Music Source (BMS) event G2R2018, where it achieved 2nd place.
  • R.I.P. was made as a tribute to the composer's girlfriend, who passed away on March 21, 2018.
  • In the CHAOS chart:
    1. There are drag notes that imitate an electrocardiogram of a heart, and it flatlining later.
    2. Notes form the letters RIP at the end.
  • This song can also be found in MUSYNC, CHUNITHM CRYSTAL, Tone Sphere,Orzmic and Rizline.

