Subject: Event Schedule Notice
From: Chris Pinkman
To: Aroma White & Helena White
MonoCon "NOVA" in-studio performance event
Time: 693/08/15 17:00-21:30
Co-performers: Alvis Cooper, Candy & Mandy, Hyper Fire
Miss Aroma White
please arrive before 17:00 for rehearsal
Rundown Detail
17:00 Rehearsal (Miss White's rehearsal lasts until 17:15
18:00 End of rehearsal
18:10 Buffer time, Admission start (18:10 ~ 18:30 check-in: Shao)
18:30 Event start (Venue management, opening, filming: Shao)
20:00 Miss White's performance
20:30 Scheduled end of the event
21:30 Site recovery complete before this time, post on iM
If there are any questions, please let Helena contact me.
This event is Miss White's first public debut using the name "PAFF"
Our company has organized her appearance at the event to be a surprise.
Please don't disclose any information regarding this performance to outside sources.