Cytus Wiki

Click notes make up mostly of the gameplay. There are no songs to play without it. They may be very easy(mostly Lvl 1s), moderate (mostly levels with slow-average to average scan lines), or brutal (these doesn't pick any speed: it may be easy (ex. Area184) or hard (ex. L2 - Ascension: Act 1 (Loneliness)). These act like bubbles being popped.

Some of the noticeable and known click note groups are:

  • Single notes- these are notes found on every song (except L2 - Ascension: Act 1 (Loneliness)). These are click notes that has no pair. These are found easy in songs but not always (ex. Holy Knights).
  • Double notes- these are notes tapped with a pair on its horizon. It is very common on any levels. It may be straight (ex. Ververg II) or alternate (ex. Biotonic).
  • Triple notes- these notes are found only on hard songs. It may appear once (ex. Zauberkugel) or found continuous (ex. AXION). Players using thumbs will have no choice but to hold or lay down their device(usually just phone) to tap it.
  • Quadruple notes- these notes are found only one(formerly two) songs. These are Darkness(formerly with Sacred). Although not hard, thumb users also have no choice but to use four fingers.
  • Alternating notes- these notes act like two double notes but exchanging taps left to right or vice versa. These may be straight (ex. Scherzo) or slanted (ex. Colorful Skies). These can be found easy or hard.
  • Packed notes- these are notes that are tapped so quickly with slow-average scan line that it is found ovelapping with notes. These may be easy (ex. Sweetness And Love) or hard (ex. L2 - Ascension: Act 1 (Loneliness). The difficulty rises whenever it is too packed or the scan line too fast.
  • Random-patterned notes- these notes come on with no pattern at all. They feel like they make the gameplay unorganized. An example of this is Laplace.

It may make a good pattern on songs but sometimes it makes an art related to the song(example is Area184 which has groups of click notes that resemble the song's title). Sometimes you wish these are drag notes, especially in L2 - Ascension: Act 2 (Liberation).
