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37 Posts
154 Replies
Should i download cytus? i only play osu! and taiko no tatsujin.
I got to the point where whenever I open an iM post, there is a chance that random glitching will happen. I have 2 questions about it. Is it story important, and when will it stop?
What was the leading decision regarding the styling of this template?
Sidecards are, in web development, commonly used on pages with a lot of text. This definitely doesn't hold up for many songs.
On top of that, seriously, what's with the ginormous block of whitespace in the middle?
I was aiming to get a bit of clarification regarding this, so it would be nice if I could get any. Thank you!
I can’t find story mode. I’m on a ipad
Can i add my screenshots from vanessa's new os logs that came with the 3.9 update? they're a different size from the others and idk if that'll be a problem
I just bought Cytus II on a new iPad, and I was wondering if I could keep the data from my old iPad, and transfer it to this new one. I click cloud sync, however, and the data doesn’t transfer. The only possible reason I can think of as to why this occurs is that my old iPad does not have the most recent version of Cytus II. If I clear out data space on my old iPad and update Cytus, will I be able to sync my data?
(Edited by A Fandom user)
Anyone know the code for that last OS file for Miku? I figured it'd just be the only code you see during her other files, but it doesn't work. Maybe I missed something?
(Edited by Mariewolf 94)
I just wanted to know that how do the Cytus players who records their gameplays showing their fingers moving throughout the screen.
I can easily record the screen only by using any App.
But, I want to record my fingers too moving throughout the screen as the prominent Cytus Youtubers and Players do Such as EK, Eugene Sebastian. tq2501 etc. etc.
If possible, Please post an image or photo of the whole camera setup and the iPad holder stand setup.
Thanks in Advance.
(Edited by Islamh)
i am playing from my ipad mini and bought the an iPad pro and would like to get my scores from my previous iPad. thanks!
(Edited by A Fandom user)
Hello everyone, I used to have cytus like two years ago and because that my old phone was broken i didnt play till latelt (almot one month if not less)
I do have a Huawei y625
the problem is in somesongs (don't laugh as I'm starting with very esay ones, I decided to escalate gradually) when two bubbles are close to each other orwhen there are two lines even if I click in right time it would say perfect for one and "miss " for the other!!!take an example DRG (it killed it though its easy 4 !!!)
PS: I bought a protection for my screen (smth called glass protectro or smth but manufactured for my phone not cut to fit or smth)
(Edited by Thanina)
I was wondering if there's a song with insane amounts of tapped notes? Like, I found the complicated pattern of tapped notes in the hidden song Slit I really fun, but I was wondering if there was something even harder than that? I've played every song, but maybe there's a song in the bought chapters?
(Edited by Ladasura)
Hi! There is a way to know the best scores and TPs for the hidden songs? Many of them are not showed in the frontend, as far as I know. But they have to be somewhere, for the general and chapter statistics.
If there is a way, even opening some file and reading in it, and you know it, please let me know!
(Edited by A Fandom user)
This might be a dumb question??or maybe it has already been answered?? and my english ins't that good,but after the last chapter no longer will have the million thing? you'll have to buy the other chapters?
(Edited by ShiroYuutsuki)
i really want to know the song that is played in the beginning, when the app first opens up, you hear that song before you go to any chapters. whats the name?
(Edited by Shinji Eva Illustrious)
I just found a secret song of the track Morpho. This track can be accessed if you swipe right on slit but the page slides to Morpho
(Edited by A Fandom user)
Hi ! I got one simple problem. I can't reach the special "sound effects". It's should happend when I have everything on perfect. But I cant listen to it. Its like normal, even when i reach Milion master on Easy + hard on the same song.
(Edited by A Fandom user)