So, I've been thinking that most of Sakuzyo's songs are derived and related (in composition) from one another. This blog's intention is not to point out that he's not creative! NO! In this case, he's more like "always re-inventing" his songs (and I think that's why he never entitle his songs as a remix / remake / VIP version of his previous works), and I think that's innovative. It needs talent to make something similar to one another and individually unique at the same time.
And here are most of them ("<" = "is derived from", ">" = "derived into", "><" = "siblings with", "[]" = "the result of this operation", "&" = "siblings with as result of operation", while other symbols are self-explanatory, and unnoted songs are from his solo albums)
Selentia < Kronos >< Vallista >< Neurotoxin > Scattered Rose
Warlords of Atlantis > Laplace > 0f
Rover Trip > Altale > Code: Σ
Altale > After Altale (from "C87 Limited Remixes") > Nein & Endrole
Laplace + Vallista = Imprinting
Axion > Ala Grande
Black Lair > Erlung
Scheol > Code: Alpha & Agiel
Terminal (from "fig.2 - Singularity") > Frontier
[Fell Out of the World (from "AD: Trance 2") > Fairium] + Stranger = 7thSense (from Maimai Pink OST)
I'm a Fall (from "AD: Trance 3") > FAFNIR
Rondo for 97 Keys (from "AD: Piano Vivace") > Harpyia
Fairythm >< Isolation > ShadyShady
Code : β > Transportation
Hodie > Ragnarok
Note: If someone want to make a table / chart (or even a family tree) of these relations, PLEASE DO! I'll update this blog and give you credit. If anyone has opinions regarding this relations, please also give the reason.